Use 4:3 for content created for specific platforms that shows best in 4:3 such as Slideshare and iPads.Use 4:3/Letter/A4 size for content that is only going to be distributed/printed as a sliduement and never really to be shown on a screen.Use 16:9 if you are creating highly visual content that is only going to be shown on a screen – for a keynote or a conference presentation.Use 4:3 if your are creating multi-purpose content that is going to be shown across different platforms and to be printed as documentation.So what slide size should you use for a presentation? It really depends on what you are trying to create – and partly personal preference. A 16:9 slide is 78% wider than it is high. A 4:3 slide is 33% wider than it is high. But the actual size of a slide with the same aspect ratio can differ.

“4:3” and “16:9” refers to the aspect ratio of the slide. The last couple of years, the two slide sizes have started to be used side by side – with different consequences.
Why is there even different sizes of slides? The 4:3 slide dimension is the historical size – it stems from the age of analog TV screens and was the standard screen size up until about 10 years ago when widescreens started to become a more common size for TVs and computer screens. So – what size should you use for your slides? This is a quick guide to choosing the right size – and a brief explanation of the difference between the sizes in different versions of PowerPoint. When PowerPoint 2013 came along, the size of the default presentation changed from 4:3 to 16:9.